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ICTs: enablers of Africa’s sustainable development

27 November 2019
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ICT stakeholders in Africa are brainstorming on ways to fast track the continent’s development by harnessing the transformative potential of Information and Communication Technologies, (ICTs) in Yaounde-Cameroon.

The reflections are taking place within the framework of the third edition of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for African Development (ICT4AD) which kick-started 26 November 2019 at the Yaounde Conference Centre.

The three-day conference co-organised by ANTIC and Cameroon’s Ministry of Higher Education is taking place under the theme: ICT adoption and implementation for African Sustainable Development.

In his Keynote address at the Conference opening, ANTCIC’s Director General, Prof. Ebot Ebot Enaw entreated participants to explore the experiences being shared at the conference to factor-in the transformative potential of ICTs in their various areas of activity in a bid to reduce information and transaction costs, improve service delivery, create new jobs and generate new revenue streams.

The conference seeks to tap from the experiences of professors, researchers and ICT professionals from public and private sectors to formulate proposals that will leverage ICT-driven solutions to leapfrog the continent’s development agenda.

Keynotes and research papers by researchers and professors from Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, Norway, China and Cameroon are highlighting ICT opportunities for development, digital innovation and ICT adoption for African sustainable development.


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