Cameroon’s digital transformation, ANTIC sets stage for evaluation

20 March 2019
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Digital transformation, which entails mutation in production, service delivery and marketing with the aid of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to enhance productivity and efficiency in public and private institutions, is a novelty, which Cameroon considers as an essential catalyst to its development agenda.

It is within this premise that ANTIC, Cameroon’s ICT development promoter in partnership with the Ministry of Higher Education seeks to measure the level of digital transformation in the country in a bid to draft a comprehensive digital transformation strategy that will fast track the process in the country.

The first seminar in a series co-organised by the two institutions in five regions across the country to this effect went underway in the nation’s capital – Yaounde, Monday March 18, 2019 and brought together over one hundred participants – mainly IT managers from public and private institutions. It had as objective to raise awareness of participants on the notion of digital transformation and kick start data collection that will enable the evaluation of the level of digital transformation in Cameroon.

Results of the evaluation exercise shall be presented during an international conference Cameroon will host in November 2019 under the theme “ICTs for Development,” the Director General of ANTIC, Prof. Ebot Ebot Enaw, hinted as he addressed the seminar participants.  The conference shall bring together international experts and researchers on issues pertaining to the usage of ICTs for socio-economic development of states and the strengthening of disadvantaged groups, the Director General noted.

Expert trainers from the Ministry of Higher Education drilled participants on guidelines in responding to the questionnaire formulated for data collection to guarantee the obtention of apt and dependable information.

Data is being culled from seven key pillars notably:  ICT strategy vision, human capital, renewable energy, security of online transactions, local infrastructural development, access to high bandwidth Internet and the choice of an economic model that favours sustainability of the policy put in place by private and public institutions in the country. 

The rest of the seminars are programmed for Douala, Limbe, Bafoussam and Maroua to run through 25 March 2019.

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