Fourth edition of the Forum on the Contribution of Start-ups to the Development of the Economy

04 March 2020
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The fourth edition of the Forum on the Contribution of Start-ups to the Development of the Economy takes place at Sawa Hotel, Douala, 11-13 March 2020 under the theme: “Technological Innovations at the Service of Education”. It is an initiative of the National Agency for Information and Communication Technologies (ANTIC) and falls in line with its mission of promoting the development and popularisation of ICTs.

The forum will enable ICT innovators to present to the educational community, solutions and applications developed for the advancement of Cameroon’s educational sector.

The forum seeks to popularise the use of ICTs in the educational sector as well as enable Start-ups adapt their solutions/applications to meet Cameroon’s educational needs, hence permitting authorities and teachers to revitalise the sector.

Ten presentations shall mark the forum. Some of the presentation themes are:

  • Auto learning and the development of skills thanks to ICTs;
  • Innovative offline mobile platform for providing examination resources;
  • Promotion of education for all through an educative social medium with an online course content and evaluation;
  • ICTs at the centre of the process of obtaining quality educative tutorials;
  • Opportunities offered by technology to education in emerging countries.


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