Training (4)

Some fifty (50) staff members of the National Agency for Information and Communication Technologies (ANTIC), have been trained with the view to strengthening their capacities in the fight against cybercrime.
A 10-day workshop to this effect conducted by CTO experts, took place, 12 - 23 June, 2017, in Yaounde. The workshop which addressed key security themes including - the foundation of theoretical knowledge and practical experience of network and system security; principles of data and technology that frame and define cyber security and how to protect Critical Information Infrastructure was declared opened by Mr. Bouba Djamaa, Director of the Department of Standardization and Cooperation, ANTIC, on behalf of the General Manager.
The ICT sector in Cameroon has been identified by government as one of the key pillars in propelling the nation to an emerging economy by the 2035 threshold. But the "high failure rate in the execution" of ICT projects initiated by various public institutions in the country signals an inconsistency in the impetus needed from this sector to streamline public service delivery, trigger growth, wealth and job creation.